Fact: No one knows your birthday if it's not on Facebook

Happy birthday to me. I have turned 37 today, and I do not feel any older (or younger, for that matter). I have always considered my birthday as a non-event, but I like it when people remember to greet me - especially because I have removed the Facebook reminder.

Well, it turns out that not a lot of people know my birthday anymore. Sure, the most important people greeted me - Chai, Octo, my Kuya, my Mom and my Dad (and his plus one, LOL). Boggart said happy birthday, and so did one of my aunts. The people who matter know my birthday, and that is enough.

I don't really give a hoot if people don't make the effort. They got busy lives too, and they all depend on Facebook to update them about birthdays and all (just like me). It's just sad because last year, not even my best friend greeted me. Nor did my favorite uncle - and I blame Facebook. Before Facebook, I would get at least a happy birthday text message.  That kinda stung. And now that I'm thinking about it, it kinda makes me sad that people I think I share a history with - no matter how short - do not know when my birthday is. Just because they do not have a Facebook notification saying that it's my birthday.

Screw you, Facebook.


On another note, I'm thinking about taking Octo out today, maybe after lunch because this is the last birthday I will have with her as my only kid. When I turn 38, she would be sharing me with her brother or sister, and I don't know why, but tears are welling in my eyes as I type this. Maybe I'm sad for her because she won't be my only baby anymore. I feel like I don't give her enough attention now. How much more deprived would she feel when the new baby comes?

Shit, the floodgates have opened. Now my nose is running too. That's it. I AM TAKING HER OUT LATER. And maybe even let her eat ice cream and cake (or maybe not, the last time I allowed her to binge on sugar, her eczema flared up again - but this warrants a different post, maybe some other time).

I don't know why I feel like this. I don't resent the tiny baby growing inside me. I want to have another baby to kiss and to smell and to play with. Octo is very excited about having her sibling, but I feel like when the baby comes, Octo would helplessly lose me to him/her, and I would not be able to do anything about it. :(

I have never been weepy on my birthday. Blasted hormones. But I should stop now an just go back to writing about garage doors - at least those darned things don't make me cry.


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